Get your skills recognised

    What you will learn

    The Agile Digital Services (AgileDS) certification offers practical guidance on developing and continuously improving digital services using agile concepts and techniques.

    The certification is designed to help organisations and teams with developing a consistent agile approach, a common language and a skilled workforce for the successful design and delivery of digital services, whether through evolving improvements or step-change transformations.

    Professionals who are involved in the delivery of digital services, including government and private sector organisations will find this certification of particular use.

    The handbook is the primary reference material for those undertaking AgileDS study, training and certification.

    Agile DS Practitioner
    What will AgileDS™ help achieve?
    • Understand the underpinning philosophy, principles and techniques of AgileDS in a project situation.
    • Appropriately configure the lifecycle of an AgileDS project to a given scenario.
    • Understand how to test, estimate and measure progress in an Agile Digital Services project.
    • Describe the Agile Digital Services approach to managing requirements.