Agile Project Management v2
Study material |Hard cover

Agile PM v2 Project Management eBook


This book is the core text for the AgilePM® v2.0 Foundation and Practitioner exams certifications.

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It was truly one of the most enjoyable certifications I have completed. Our company is transforming to agile and this training has truly benefitted me and my career tremendously.

Daisy Odendaal, Project Manager

The Agile Project Management Handbook offers a structured and scalable agile framework that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and benefits provided by agile.

Businesses today need results faster and more efficiently, but the informality of many agile approaches can be perceived as risky. AgilePM® provides a robust governance with a collaborative culture that inspires innovation, and allows flexibility to adapt to a complex, changing environment.

The Handbook is a leading authority on agile project management, and has enabled the adoption of agile project management practice worldwide.

Agile Project Management ebook in Polish (Wydanie Polskie)

Książka ta jest podstawową lekturą dla egzaminów AgilePM® Foundation i Practitioner.

    Total pages

    Sekcja pierwsza – Podstawy projektu Agile

    • Rozdział – 1: Wprowadzenie 9
    • Rozdział – 2: DSDM jako Twoje podejście zwinne 11
    • Rozdział – 3: Filozofia i kwestie podstawowe 15
    • Rozdział – 4: Pryncypia 19
    • Rozdział – 5: Przygotowanie do sukcesu 23
    • Rozdział – 6: Proces DSDM 27
    • Rozdział – 7: Role i obowiązki 31
    • Rozdział – 8: Produkty DSDM 37
    • Rozdział – 9: Planowanie i kontrola 41
    • Rozdział – 10: Praktyka DSDM – Priorytetyzacja MoSCoW 49
    • Rozdział – 11: Praktyka DSDM – Stosowanie Timeboxów 53
    • Rozdział – 12: Inne praktyki DSDM 59


    Sekcja druga – Perspektywa Kierownika Projektu Agile: pogłębione spojrzenie

    • Rozdział – 13: Praktyczne zastosowanie pryncypiów DSDM 67
    • Rozdział – 14: Role i obowiązki – punkt widzenia Kierownika Projektu Agile 75
    • Rozdział – 15: Zarządzanie projektem w cyklu życia 91
    • Rozdział – 16: Efektywne korzystanie z produktów DSDM 101
    • Rozdział – 17: Dostarczaj na czas – łączenie MoSCoW i Stosowania Timeboxów 117
    • Rozdział – 18: Ludzie, zespoły i interakcje 131
    • Rozdział – 19: Wymagania i Historyjki Użytkownika 143
    • Rozdział – 20: Szacowanie 151
    • Rozdział – 21: Planowanie projektu w cyklu życia 161
    • Rozdział – 22: Nigdy nie idź na kompromis w kwestii jakości 167
    • Rozdział – 23: Zarządzanie ryzykiem 179
    • Rozdział – 24: Dostosowanie podejścia DSDM 187


    • Dodatek A: Glosariusz 201
    • Dodatek B: Kwestionariusz Podejścia do Projektu (PAQ) 209
    • Dodatek C: Szacowanie z wykorzystaniem Pokera do Planowania i Tempa 211
    • Dodatek D: Indeks 217

    Your guide to applying agile methodologies to project management

    The Agile Project Management Handbook offers a structured and scalable agile framework that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and benefits provided by agile.

    Businesses today need results faster and more efficiently, but the informality of many agile approaches can be perceived as risky. AgilePM® provides a robust governance with a collaborative culture that inspires innovation, and allows flexibility to adapt to a complex, changing environment.

    The Handbook is a leading authority on agile project management, and has enabled the adoption of agile project management practice worldwide.

    Key features

    • Offers a complete framework for managing projects based on proven agile practices.
    • Brings together all elements of a project in an Agile context: principles; people; process; products and practices. 
    • The AgilePM® Handbook is the basis for the world’s leading certification in Agile Project Management.

    Agile Project Management eBook in German Deutsche Ausgabe

    Dieses Buch ist die Grundlage für die AgilePM® Foundation und Practitioner Zertifizierungen.

      Total pages

      Abschnitt Eins - Die Grundlagen agiler Projekte

      • Kapitel – 1: Einführung 9
      • Kapitel – 2: Die Wahl der DSDM als Ihren agilen Ansatz 11
      • Kapitel – 3: Philosophie und Grundlagen 15
      • Kapitel – 4: Prinzipien 19
      • Kapitel – 5: Erfolgsvorbereitungen 23
      • Kapitel – 6: Der DSDM-Prozess 27
      • Kapitel - 7: Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten 31
      • Kapitel – 8: DSDM-Produkte 37
      • Kapitel – 9: Planung und Steuerung 41
      • Kapitel – 10: DSDM-Praktik - MoSCoW-Priorisierung 49
      • Kapitel – 11: DSDM-Praktik - Timeboxing 53
      • Kapitel – 12: Sonstige DSDM-Praktiken 59


      Abschnitt Zwei - Die Perspektive des agilen PMs: Tiefere Einblicke

      • Kapitel – 13: Praktische Anwendung der DSDM-Prinzipien 67
      • Kapitel – 14: Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten - Aus der Sicht des agilen PMs 75
      • Kapitel – 15: Projektmanagement über den Lebenszyklus hinweg 91
      • Kapitel – 16: Die effektive Nutzung der DSDM-Produkte 101
      • Kapitel – 17: Pünktliche Lieferung - Kombination aus MoSCoW und Timeboxing 117
      • Kapitel – 18: Mitarbeiter, Teams und Interaktionen 131
      • Kapitel – 19: Anforderungen und User Stories 143
      • Kapitel – 20: Schätzung 151
      • Kapitel – 21: Projektplanung über den Lebenszyklus hinweg 159
      • Kapitel – 22: Dulden Sie keine Abstriche in Sachen Qualität 165
      • Kapitel – 23: Risikomanagement 177
      • Kapitel – 24: Anpassung des DSDM-Ansatzes 185


      • Anhang A: Glossar 197
      • Anhang B: Project Approach Questionnaire (PAQ) 205
      • Anhang C: Schätzungen auf Basis von Planning Poker® und Durchsatz 207
      • Anhang D: Index 213

      The leading handbook for applying agile methodologies to project management

      The Agile Project Management Handbook offers a structured and scalable agile framework that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and benefits provided by agile.

      Businesses today need results faster and more efficiently, but the informality of many agile approaches can be perceived as risky. AgilePM® provides a robust governance with a collaborative culture that inspires innovation, and allows flexibility to adapt to a complex, changing environment.

      The Handbook is a leading authority on agile project management, and has enabled the adoption of agile project management practice worldwide.

      Key features

      • Offers a complete framework for managing projects based on proven agile practices.
      • Brings together all elements of a project in an Agile context: principles; people; process; products and practices. 
      • The AgilePM® Handbook is the basis for the world’s leading certification in Agile Project Management.

      Agile Project Management eBook in French

      Ce livre contient les textes principaux de référence en français pour les examens relatifs aux certifications AgilePM® Foundation et Practitioner.

        Total pages

        Première section - Fondations d’un projet Agile

        • Chapitre - 1: Introduction 9
        • Chapitre - 2: Choisir DSDM comme approche Agile 11
        • Chapitre - 3: Philosophie et fondamentaux 15
        • Chapitre - 4: Principes 19
        • Chapitre - 5: Conditions de la réussite 23
        • Chapitre - 6: Le processus DSDM 27
        • Chapitre - 7: Rôles et responsabilités 31
        • Chapitre - 8: Produits DSDM 37
        • Chapitre - 9: Planification et contrôle 41
        • Chapitre - 10: Pratique DSDM - Pratique de classification MoSCoW 49
        • Chapitre - 11: Pratique DSDM - Timeboxing 53
        • Chapitre - 12: Autres pratiques DSDM 59


        Deuxième section - Perspective du Chef de projet Agile : une vision approfondie

        • Chapitre - 13: Application pratique des principes DSDM 67
        • Chapitre - 14: Rôles et responsabilités - Le point de vue du Chef de projet Agile 75
        • Chapitre - 15: Gestion de projet tout au long du cycle de vie 91
        • Chapitre - 16: Utilisation efficace des produits DSDM 101
        • Chapitre - 17: Respect des délais - Techniques combinées MoSCow et Timeboxing 117
        • Chapitre - 18: Personnes, équipes et interactions 131
        • Chapitre - 19: Exigences et User stories 143
        • Chapitre - 20: Estimations 151
        • Chapitre - 21: Planification de projet tout au long du cycle de vie 159
        • Chapitre - 22: Ne jamais compromettre la qualité 165
        • Chapitre - 23: Gestion des risques 177
        • Chapitre - 24: Personnalisation de l’approche DSDM 185


        • Annexe A: Glossaire 197
        • Annexe B: Questionnaire d’approche projet (PAQ) 205
        • Annexe C: Estimation à l’aide de Plan Poker® et de la vélocité 207
        • Annexe D: Index 213

        The leading handbook for applying agile methodologies to project management

        The Agile Project Management Handbook offers a structured and scalable agile framework that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and benefits provided by agile.

        Businesses today need results faster and more efficiently, but the informality of many agile approaches can be perceived as risky. AgilePM® provides a robust governance with a collaborative culture that inspires innovation, and allows flexibility to adapt to a complex, changing environment.

        The Handbook is a leading authority on agile project management, and has enabled the adoption of agile project management practice worldwide.

        Key features

        • Offers a complete framework for managing projects based on proven agile practices.
        • Brings together all elements of a project in an Agile context: principles; people; process; products and practices. 
        • The AgilePM® Handbook is the basis for the world’s leading certification in Agile Project Management.

        Agile Project Management v2.0 Handbook eBook in English

        The Agile Project Management Handbook provides a practical and repeatable methodology to manage any project in an agile way.

          Total pages

          Section One – Agile Project Foundations (Required for Foundation and Practitioner Certification)

          • Chapter - 01: Introduction;
          • Chapter - 02: Choosing DSDM as your Agile Approach;
          • Chapter - 03: Philosophy and Fundamentals;
          • Chapter - 04: Principles;
          • Chapter - 05: Preparing for Success;
          • Chapter - 06: The DSDM Process;
          • Chapter - 07: Roles and Responsibilities;
          • Chapter – 08: DSDM Products;
          • Chapter – 09: Planning and Control;
          • Chapter – 10: DSDM Practice – MoSCoW Prioritisation;
          • Chapter – 11: DSDM Practice – Timeboxing;
          • Chapter – 12: Other DSDM Practices;


          Section Two – The Agile PM Perspective: Digging Deeper (Required for the Practitioner Certification)

          • Chapter - 13: Practical Application of the DSDM Principles;
          • Chapter - 14: Roles and Responsibilities – The Agile PM’s View;
          • Chapter - 15: Project Management through the Lifecycle;
          • Chapter - 16: The Effective use of DSDM Products;
          • Chapter - 17: Deliver on Time – Combining MoSCoW and Timeboxing;
          • Chapter - 18: People, Teams and Interactions;
          • Chapter - 19: Requirements and User Stories;
          • Chapter – 20: Estimating;
          • Chapter – 21: Project Planning through the Lifecycle;
          • Chapter – 22: Never Compromise Quality;
          • Chapter – 23: Risk Management; Chapter – 24: Tailoring the DSDM Approach;

          A handbook to guide you through agile implementation

          The Agile Project Management Handbook offers a structured and scalable agile framework that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and benefits provided by agile.

          Businesses today need results faster and more efficiently, but the informality of many agile approaches can be perceived as risky. AgilePM® provides a robust governance with a collaborative culture that inspires innovation, and allows flexibility to adapt to a complex, changing environment.

          The Handbook is a leading authority on agile project management, and has enabled the adoption of agile project management practice worldwide.

          Key features of the AgilePM Certification

          • Offers a complete framework for managing projects based on proven agile practices.
          • Brings together all elements of a project in an Agile context: principles; people; process; products and practices. 
          • Understand how you apply the agile manifesto to your projects
          Agile Business Consortium logo

          Agile Business Consortium

          Visit the author's page

          The Agile Business Consortium is the professional body for business agility, and has been developing and contributing to agile knowledge for over 25 years.

          Agile Project Management (AgilePM®) Certification

          It was truly one of the most enjoyable certifications I have completed. Our organisation is transforming to agile and this training has truly benefited me and my career tremendously.

          Daisy Odendaal, Project Manager